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I'm strangely addicted to her music O.o 3, I'm a Slave 4 U, If U Seek Amy, Gimme More.. etc.
in history (first hour) holly was really hyper and we were working in partners so that made me hyper!! there were perverted jokes flying everywhere, mostly about bubble gum and zach's out of the blue random boner i just happened to notice across the room O.o....i have a crazy math (second) assignment and guess who left their math book at school? yea, you're right, ME. in science (third) we had a 500 word essay due and since i wasnt at school yesterday due to ice and cancellation i forgot about it and left the one paragraph that i have written so far on my laptop in digital & pixelized form >.<>.< (sixth)] we typed stuff, wow big surprise, right? in spanish (seventh) we had a test, and as always, i win :D
its been a long time since ive last written in here.. and a lot has happened. i'm in love :D haha sounds cheesy, right? well it's not.. it's unique, beautiful, very lucky, early, surprising, and amazing. his name is Ryan Altounji, he's from Syria, he's 17, and he's funny, cute, respectful, smart, talented... etc etc :3. we've been together for 1 month 1 week and 6 days... mind you thats just a guesstimation. he's perfect... ya know one time he called me his soph.. i think i literally melted into a gooey puddle and soaked into the carpet... it was the silliest thing to get excited about but it's just that ive always wanted a guy to be there for me and call me soph and say im beautiful and mean it.. and he's that guy.
i bought a skate board and im tryin some easy tricks. im failing and face planting all over the place. ive only tried a couple things and i already skinned my elbow, got a whole bunch of splinters from hangin on the reeling for dear life, and i betcha i already am gonna have bruises on my knees. and to add on to all of that im not even gettin better. i just really hope i didnt waste my money on this skate board.. but hey i needed a hobby, and now i have one. maybe i can go in the world records book for most face plants in an hour :s
Teddybears STHLM.... the best band EVA
bwahahaha! ok ok not that funny but still.... curse you kanye!
ya kno whats weird? well... other than everythin..? in little kid books or little kid movies a lot of the time the theme is: it's a rainy day wtf do we do? Ex: cat in the hat. the kids were bored out of their minds cause it was raining so they couldnt go outside and play and they had nothing to do inside. well think about what we all do today. video games, tv, and in my case internet. we all pray for rainy days so we have an excuse to tell our parents "oh but mom i cant go outside and play! thats why im on the internet all day, there's nothing to DO outside when its RAINING." see? the theme is always its raining... FUCK. but in real life its we have to go outside....FUCK!